In a world where societal expectations and pressures often dictate our actions and emotions, granting
ourselves mental health permissions can be revolutionary. It’s crucial to recognize the significance of
mental health permissions. These permissions aren’t about seeking external validation but rather
about recognizing our own needs and acknowledging our right to prioritize our mental well-being. In
this blog, we’ll explore the significance of mental health permissions and how they can pave the way
to a healthier, more fulfilling life.
Understanding Mental Health Permissions
Mental health permissions involve giving ourselves the right to prioritize our mental well-being without
guilt or shame. It’s about acknowledging that caring for ourselves is not a luxury but a necessity.
Much like we grant ourselves permission to take breaks for physical health, we need to extend the
same courtesy to our mental well-being. There’s often a stigma associated with prioritizing mental
health. We need to break this stigma and promote an environment where seeking therapy or taking a
mental health day is as acceptable as seeking treatment for a physical ailment. By normalizing these
conversations, we contribute to a society that values and supports mental well-being. It’s about
acknowledging that taking care of our mental health is a proactive step towards better overall health
and resilience.
Permission to Prioritize Rest
We may feel guilty for taking time out for ourselves, viewing it as selfish or indulgent. However,
granting ourselves permission to prioritize rest is crucial for maintaining mental wellness. Resting
provides an opportunity to relax and unwind, reducing stress levels. Activities like meditation, deep
breathing exercises, or simply taking a break from work can help lower cortisol levels and promote a
sense of calm and well-being. Rest allows us to recharge and show up as our best selves in all
aspects of life.
Permission to Feel Emotions
Too often we suppress our emotions, especially those deemed “negative” such as sadness, anger, or
anxiety. However, denying these feelings only leads to further internal turmoil. By giving ourselves
permission to feel and express our emotions without judgment, we can develop a healthier
relationship with our inner selves. Embracing our emotions allows for greater self-awareness and
paves the way for authentic emotional experiences.
Permission to Set Boundaries
The Power of Mental Health

Setting boundaries is vital for preserving our mental and emotional well-being, yet many of us
struggle to assert our needs. Whether it’s saying no to additional commitments, limiting exposure to
toxic relationships, or safeguarding personal time, establishing boundaries is an act of self-respect.
By granting ourselves permission to prioritize our boundaries, we create space for healthier, more
fulfilling connections with others. Setting boundaries is crucial for preventing burnout and maintaining
a healthy work-life balance.
Permission to Forgive Yourself
We’re often our own harshest critics, holding ourselves to impossible standards and dwelling on past
mistakes. However, dwelling on self-blame and guilt only perpetuates negative patterns of thinking.
Granting ourselves permission to forgive and let go of self-judgment is essential for moving forward
with grace and compassion. Embracing self-forgiveness allows us to release the weight of past
regrets and embrace a more positive outlook on life.
Permission to Seek Help
There’s a pervasive stigma surrounding mental health struggles, causing many to suffer in silence
rather than seek help. However, it’s essential to recognize that seeking support is a sign of strength,
not weakness. Granting ourselves permission to reach out to friends, family, or mental health
professionals can be the first step towards healing. Whether through therapy, support groups, or
simply confiding in a loved one, acknowledging the need for help is a powerful act of self-compassion.
It is okay to ask for help when you need it. Let’s start the journey of embracing mental health
permissions and fostering a culture where taking care of our minds is not just accepted but
celebrated. Granting mental health permissions starts with understanding that it’s okay to prioritize
our own mental and emotional stability.
At Nourish Wellness Center we provide whole person integrative mental, emotional, and spiritual
health care. Our goal is to provide the best evidence-based practices, with both traditional and holistic
approaches. We enjoy working with individuals, couples, and families, as well as young adults,
seniors, and LGBTQ members.
In addition, Nourish Wellness Center offers ongoing Therapeutic Events and Groups, Trauma
Informed Yoga Sessions, Energy Healing Sessions, and Workshops. Please visit our Event Page on
our website for upcoming dates and details. Nourish Wellness Center
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